LFF 2015 Round-up

still-loveandpeace2Total films:

  1. Mountains May Depart
  2. A Guy From Fenyang
  3. My Love Don’t Cross That River
  4. Der Nachtmahr
  5. Lost in Munich
  6. Jia Zhangke & Walter Salles Screentalk
  7. Ryuzo and the Seven Henchmen
  8. Salaam Bombay
  9. In the Room
  10. Assassination
  11. Beeba Boys
  12. Ghost Theater
  13. Son of Saul
  14. Invisible Boy
  15. Right Now, Wrong Then
  16. Love & Peace
  17. Black Mass
  18. A Bigger Splash
  19. Our Little Sister
  20. The Assassin
  21. Evolution
  22. Poet On a Business Trip
  23. Cemetery of Splendour
  24. The Witch
  25. The Apostate
  26. Desierto
  27. Madonna
  28. An
  29. Youth
  30. The End of the Tour
  31. A Tale of Three Cities
  32. The Boy and the Beast
  33. Office
  34. Ruined Heart
  35. Murmur of the Hearts
  36. My Golden Days
  37. Happy Hour
  38. Yakuza Apocalypse

Somehow, this list was longer than I thought it was going to be. Not sure how that happened really but I did manage to pack in all of the Asian films plus a fair few others. This year I really did feel victimised by the dreaded LFF clashes meaning I missed out on a few things I really wanted to see but nothing too major. There were only a couple of choices I regretted making, though I suppose I had to see them to find out. Nothing really grabbed me like last year’s A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night – perhaps because I ended up seeing bigger films with more established buzz around them so I wasn’t really caught off guard in that way. Still, some fine discoveries. Now the long wait for LFF 2016 – oh, what wonders shall ye bring?

Top 5 (somewhat arbitrary):

  1. Son of Saul
  2. Mountains May Depart
  3. Murmur of the Hearts
  4. Office
  5. Our Little Sister

Sneaky review previews of stuff coming up on UK Anime Network, might put a few other things up here too: